Mid year check up
This is for all of those small business owners. It is almost June, have you reconciled all of your bank statements and credit card statements for the year so far? You need to make sure everything that is on your statements is also in your Quick Books file. By doing this now it will make it easier at the end of the year to get ready for your CPA and taxes. Other things to be staying on top of: Sales tax reporting and payments Payroll tax payments Also, now would be a really good time to make sure all of your employees and contract labor people have given you their social security/EIN numbers and correct address. This is easier to do now than at the last minute for end of the year W2 and 1099 filing. I wish all of you a prosperous rest of your year. If you need any help with your bookkeeping needs please give me a call. I am here to help.
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